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Journal Celt's Journal: Oh how things have changed..

(might regret this but I've enabled comments, for anyone redaing this read the past two entrys to make sense of things, not that they make sense...)

Well its been what 2 weeks since my last entry, and things have changed a tiny bit, I did eventually go on a date with Catherine and I'll be honest it did'ent go well (my shyness really got the better of me) ok maybe it did go well she did'ent mind it and thought I was sweet but as with everything upto now, when a girl thinks I;m sweet its never got me anywhere :(
Oh well there are good and bad parts to whats happened since,

On the good side of things although Catherine did'ent want a second date she still asked me out in the first place and again I'll be honest to me I'd class her as a "out of my league" kinda girl because when I'm out in a club I wouldn't even consider asking her out, so although I got no second date I'm still not annoyed or anything I'm just "content" atm because it seems I'm alright if that kinda girl asks me out :)

But on the bad side of things, had a CRAP night on Thursday night and the pain ever since is almost unbarable at times and what I'm about to say is making things SOO much harder!, I don't know weather this is bad or good but I'll say it anyway.
Its fairly evedent that I still have feelings for Linda more so then what I've said before, maybe its just that I want to fall back on something after the Catherine thing not going anywhere, I don't know.
But its very unconforting at the moment, I will admit things are going well, I find it SOO much easier to be around her and all that type of stuff but I really doubt she feels the same towards me that I do towards her.


anyway, its her birthday this week so I'm gona get her a nice card and draw a nice cartoon of her inside it (yes I CAN DRAW!)

also gona have a photo of her after Thursday as I'm bringing a camera to the party (oh great something that I can go mad staring at)
Well got a 21st Birthday to go to after work this evening, still unsure if I wana go, I don't want to sit in the corner and get all depressed I just wouldn't be able to take it.

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Oh how things have changed..

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