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Journal capoccia's Journal: RE: question 20 from NCEE quiz 1

This is a follow-up to my Illiterate Financially? journal entry.

Many of you commented that question 20 was poorly worded. I read too fast and was also confused.

So I wrote the NCEE a letter through their online form December 17. I was hoping to post some reply from them, but I haven't recieved one yet and probably won't.

Hopefully they read it and they make some changes to future surveys.

I believe question 20 in your recent survey ( may have an unexpectedly high error rate because it is phrased confusingly.

I thought it was just me that was confused and misread the question, but it appears others read the question wrong too.

You should consider creating contrapositive versions of all your questions and rotating which version is asked to account for this type of error.

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RE: question 20 from NCEE quiz

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