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Journal fractaltiger's Journal: Moving along in Mandrake 2

Working with old C++ code from 2001 and GCC 2.6, I'm getting closer and closer to compile my old Solaris App in Linux. Some weird stuff gets in the way, like warnings and errors that pop up when my code had already compiled under Solaris, so it weirds me out that every time i port the code to a new platform, the current versions of GNU at that time will give different complaints. I ported most of it to Windows by fixing trivial errors like adding explicit != definitions for functions where the == was there, and stuff like removing a certain #includes should not have allowed a compiled program years ago, in the first place. Signs of the Shroedingbug again! (look it up)

This CS14 link from February 2003 (wow, I should start using the prase 'last year' eh?):

Solved my inquiry about what the heck the
parse errors were in "list::iterator = " basically the C++ Standard requires me to declare a "typename" in front of every line of that kind. At that point I feel like replacing my command line compiler from the default in Mandrake 9.0 to the old school Solaris 8 one that maybe lagged behind what should probably have been standard as far back as the year I coded the program. But even my reference materials don't mention this problem a lot. Go figure. I still can't code with GUI's in C++, and this program's use of Mesa and GL is as close as I can get for now.

On another point, it looks like my latest frantic messing with Mandrake settings and Linuxconf has revived Konqueror's ability to connect to the web. I tell you, my computer seems to have mood swings in terms of what can access its Network card. Good thing Galeon and other programs worked in the meantime. Now, Win98 is the disabled OS. Too bad. Mandrake and Win2k are ok for now, and after all the recent articles about KIOslaves for Konqueror, I was eager to give my Konqui a spin and see about all its other addressbar tricks

I've done more coding in these holidays than a person should ;)

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Moving along in Mandrake

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  • Working with old C++ code from 2001 and GCC 2.6
    Not even 2.95? You realize 3.3 has been out for some time? (3.3.2 was released in October.) Why the old version?
    Solved my inquiry about what the heck the parse errors were ... basically the C++ Standard requires me to declare a "typename" in front of every line of that kind.
    Been there.
    • I should have written "Working with code built in 2001 through GCC 2.6 (recent back then)". Thanks for pointing it out, Lumpish Scholar!

      I have GCC 3.2-1mdk on the Dell. One point I probably didn't make is that I got far compiling this puppy in my Mandrake 7.2 installation last ye... er, in 2002, because it uses a build closer to the one we used back then in the labs.

      In an emergency last September I was playing around with my unused Mandrake 8 CD (haha, it seems I collect Systems CDs) and saw similar "you

Vital papers will demonstrate their vitality by spontaneously moving from where you left them to where you can't find them.
