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Journal Chira's Journal: Vacation in Laos 2

Well, Dan and I are going to Laos this evening for his visa and we take this opportunity as a vacation, too.

We will take a sleeper train to Laos. The departure time is 09.00 pm., so we plan to get to the station around 08.30 pm. Right now is 06.15 pm. We have plenty of time to return the movies that we rented, have dinner and buy something to snack on. I really worry about Dan. He is sick because he ate lots of clams. Actually, we ate that together but I didn't get any infection. I think my body gets used to with bacteria from the clams. Obviously, they were Thais.

I will take care of him the best I can. Hope he will feel OK during the trip. At least I hope that he will be happy with the first vacation in three years.

I will definitely miss you... you... you... you... you... and you.
Maybe I don't even know you, but I will miss you, too.

Bye - bye :)
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Vacation in Laos

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  • Stomach infections, if bacterial, can be cured with yogurt. Buy at least a litre and consume it about once every hour until things settle down. The bacteria in the yogurt, which are good for you, will compete with the bad bacteria for food and space. This cure is very effective and very fast. I have used it several times myself.
    • This is new to me. Thanks.
      BTW, I should use it for myself because I just got an imported diarrhea from Laos.

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