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Journal Chira's Journal: How do you describe 'Geek' and/or 'Nerd'? 7

Lately, Dan has called me 'Geek'. He told me that he was so sure that I am a geek. Well, I didn't say anything because I don't know how to tell that someone is a geek.
  • How can you describe 'Geek' and/or 'Nerd'?
  • What are the good/bad points of being a geek/nerd?
  • What are the different between geek and nerd?


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How do you describe 'Geek' and/or 'Nerd'?

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  • Ok here is the definition of a Geek [wikipedia.org].

    I don't know the technical definition but nerd [wikipedia.org] is generally a derogatory term.
  • I asked him once or twice but the definitions were so wide. Just wanted to get some different opinions.

    This is interesting.
    • A person who swallows live animals, bugs, etc., as a form of entertainment at fairs etc. This often included biting the heads off of chickens. The Geek would usually perform in a "geek pit."
    • That usage of the term, where "geek" basically means "circus freak", is archaic now: a lot of people won't be familiar with it anymore. These days the word just suggests a person -- typically a young person, now that I think about it -- who generally has unusual behavior or interests, and because those interests tend to be the center of that person's mental focus, tends to be awkward in social situations.

      "Nerd" has a lot of the same overtones of social awkwardness that "geek" does, but "nerd" also suggests

  • I wrote journal entries about Girl Geeks [slashdot.org], and about the different kinds of geeks [slashdot.org]. They might serve to answer your question from my point of view. Have fun! :-)

    • Thank you. Those two entries of yours are helpful and interesting.

      I have some questions in mind just like you had (at that time). I keep thinking about the definition of the words. Firstly, I understood that 'Geek' was only used for calling a person who was intelligent in mathematics, sciences and computers.

      Well, I am really dumb about those stuff, so I wonder why Dan calls me 'Ms. Geek.'
  • How can you describe 'Geek' and/or 'Nerd'?

    Someone who loves a field enough to learn it well and is proud of the fact. The more esoteric the field, the better. So is respecting your peers in other fields.

    What are the good/bad points of being a geek/nerd?

    There are some geek-hostile climates out there. Herd mentality doesn't mix well with geekdom.

    What are the different between geek and nerd?

    There is no consensus on the matter. Lately, I've been leaning towards the view that geeks have slightly
  • This is Mr. Chira. hehe
    I call Goy a geek because she doesn't fit well into society. She doesn't interact well with other Thais. Then there are some supporting factors like:
    • She is always hurting herself by bumping into things, especially with her head.
    • She doesn't know how to pose for a picture and looks really uncomfortable when trying to do so.
    • She doesn't know how to wear makeup.
    • She's always the first in her class, even when she doesn't try.

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