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Journal Pan T. Hose's Journal: I Was a Victim of Another "Mod-Bombing" Censorship Attack 2

Dear Slashdotters,

I am sure some of you might remember my last journal entry entitled The Slashdot Forum Seems To Be Broken, where I have written, I quote:

Dear Slashdotters,

I am not sure whether anyone will be able to read this article, as there seem to be rather strange problems with the Slashdot forum lately. Just few minutes ago, when trying to send a long post explaining the often overlooked but remarkably essential difference between capability system in the sense of Norman Hardy's research and the POSIX capabilities as implemented in the GNU Hurd kernel and why it will not be straightforward to implement native capabilities in any POSIX-compliant Unix kernel using the example of the famous BSD port to KeyKOS system, I got this erroneous message and completely lost the effect of nearly two hours of writing:

<!-- error message -->
<!-- newdiscussion form.newdiscussion -->
<!-- Error type: comments post limit daily -->

Call It A Night, Cowboy!

Slashdot only allows a user with your karma to post 10 times per day (more or less, depending on moderation). You've already shared your thoughts with us that many times. Take a breather, and come back and see us in 24 hours or so.

If you think this is unfair, please email with your username "Pan T. Hose". Let us know how many comments you think you've posted in the last 24 hours.

<!-- end error message -->

As you can plainly see, something is apparently broken. I will not email because probably many other Slashdot users are experiencing the very same error and have already reported it, and I don't want to slashdot Slashdot (pun not intended) overwhelming them with another instance of the same error report. I just wanted to warn you about this error and strongly urge you to make backup copies of every Slashdot comment you write. [...]

Now, this new journal entry is an update to the abovequoted older one. But first let me explain why did I think that the Slashdot Slashcode code was broken in the first place. The reason is actually quite simple, yet shocking. Let us focus on this part of the erroreous message: "Slashdot only allows a user with your karma to post 10 times per day" (emphasis added).

Of course while reading this very message I found it quite impossible or at least hard to believe (now, why shouldn't I?) that Slashdot might limit in any way posts posted by users with Karma: Excellent and therefore I naturally assumed it had to be caused by some error, as there was no other plausible explanation.

At that time, I had no idea what I was going to find out very soon. To my great surprise, it turned out that my Karma was no longer Excellent! That's right. But why?! --- you might ask. Why indeed...

Because of an attack. The evidence is here . Just in case it is removed, here's a copy:

Slashdot Message for Pan T. Hose
[ Message Preferences | List Messages ]
Comment Moderation
sent by Slashdot Message System on 1:05 Saturday 27 December 2003

This is not funny , posted to Weird Presents Anyone? , has been moderated Funny (+1).

It is currently scored Funny (2).

This is not funny , posted to Weird Presents Anyone? , has been moderated Funny (+1).

It is currently scored Funny (3).

This is not funny , posted to Weird Presents Anyone? , has been moderated Funny (+1).

It is currently scored Funny (4).

This is not funny , posted to Weird Presents Anyone? , has been moderated Troll (-1).

It is currently scored Funny (3).

This is not funny , posted to Weird Presents Anyone? , has been moderated Funny (+1).

It is currently scored Funny (4).

This is not funny , posted to Weird Presents Anyone? , has been moderated Funny (+1).

It is currently scored Funny (5).

This is not funny , posted to Weird Presents Anyone? , has been moderated Troll (-1).

It is currently scored Funny (4).

This is not funny , posted to Weird Presents Anyone? , has been moderated Funny (+1).

It is currently scored Funny (5).

This is not funny , posted to Weird Presents Anyone? , has been moderated Troll (-1).

It is currently scored Funny (4).

This is not funny , posted to Weird Presents Anyone? , has been moderated Troll (-1).

It is currently scored Funny (3).

This is not funny , posted to Weird Presents Anyone? , has been moderated Troll (-1).

It is currently scored Funny (2).

This is not funny , posted to Weird Presents Anyone? , has been moderated Troll (-1).

It is currently scored Funny (1).

This is not funny , posted to Weird Presents Anyone? , has been moderated Troll (-1).

It is currently scored Troll (0).

This is not funny , posted to Weird Presents Anyone? , has been moderated Funny (+1).

It is currently scored Funny (1).

No, this is NOT funny at all , posted to Weird Presents Anyone? , has been moderated Troll (-1).

It is currently scored Troll (0).

This is not funny , posted to Weird Presents Anyone? , has been moderated Troll (-1).

It is currently scored Troll (0).

I will not "fucking live with it" (sic) , posted to Weird Presents Anyone? , has been moderated Troll (-1).

It is currently scored Troll (0).

I will not "fucking live with it" (sic) , posted to Weird Presents Anyone? , has been moderated Overrated (-1).

It is currently scored Troll (-1).

No, this is NOT funny at all , posted to Weird Presents Anyone? , has been moderated Troll (-1).

It is currently scored Troll (-1).

This is not funny , posted to Weird Presents Anyone? , has been moderated Troll (-1).

It is currently scored Troll (-1).

Is this legal? , posted to Science & Industry 0.97b Half-Life Mod Release , has been moderated Offtopic (-1).

It is currently scored Offtopic (0).

Is this legal? , posted to Science & Industry 0.97b Half-Life Mod Release , has been moderated Troll (-1).

It is currently scored Troll (-1).

This moderation pattern might surely look strange to some of you, especially those who are new here. It is called "mod[eration]-bombing" and as much as I'd love to believe otherwise, this is hardly the first time such an attack on my person has taken place.

I am suspecting that someone is trying to censor me because I dared to say that I am a psychopath, a member of menthal minority not tolerated by many ignorants for some reason. Having an exceptionally high intelligence quotient makes the interaction with the (mostly stupid, I might add) society annoying enough without being foolishly discriminated by the abovementioned psychopathophobic society. But of course those ignorant fools couldn't possibly understand it.

Now, back to the meritum. Most of this down-moderating farce has taken place in a discussion where the message "Go FUCK Yourself!" (original emphasis) was actually moderated up as Insightful! (You can check it out for yourself if you don't believe me.) When I saw this "Insightful" comment it was already clear to me that the moderators of this discussion were hardly judging our comments stricte meritoriously, to say the very least.

You can draw your own conclusions (which should be quite obvious at this point already).

Now, what is even more surprising is the fact that I don't remember posting most of the messages which were moderated as "Troll" during this "mod-bombing" marathon in the first place... Could Slashdot be possibly compromised? I hope not. It is one of the most important parts of the Internet, as far as the free exchange of intelligent thought and freedom of speech is concerned. It would be a shameful day in the history of freedom. Scary thought...

??=define name "Pan T. Hose"
??=define title "PhD"
??=include <stdio.h>
int main() ??< printf("%s, %s??/n", name, title); return 0; ??>

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I Was a Victim of Another "Mod-Bombing" Censorship Attack

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He who has but four and spends five has no need for a wallet.
