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Journal sailracer6's Journal: Links I was going to put on my site at some point, and news

iTunes? What's that? New Winamp 5.

Because, sometimes, you just need more cowbell.

Oh, and FARK.com says that the Mario 3 video's a fake.

Now that I've got that out of me: the real news. I'm going to, if everything goes well, attempt to transfer to the Uberman Sleep Schedule (links here and here) the second or third week of the second semester.

What this basically entails is abruptly changing your sleep schedule from about 8 hours a night (or whatever it is you normally do) to 2 hours per 24 hour period. To pull off this trick, you sleep about 20 minutes every 4 hours. Apparently, it can work pretty well, or at least be a thrill...

I'll be working out how to plan around my classes in the next week or so to get things finalized.

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Links I was going to put on my site at some point, and news

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"Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberrys!" -- Monty Python and the Holy Grail
