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Journal SeanAhern's Journal: The Conservative Cookie Rebellion 28

Wendy McElroy is the editor of ifeminists.com, an interesting site that deals with the question of the equality of the sexes. Ms. McElroy often does a very good job of separating the issues of gender equality and traditional "feminisism." She gets a lot of hate mail from traditional feminists because what she espouses is very different from the normal feminist party line. However, her arguments very much hold together logically.

There have been times when I disagree with her conclusions, or the procedure by which she arrives at them. But they are compelling arguments nonetheless, and I always enjoy reading her articles.

Her most recent article talks about students protesting Affirmitive Action by offering a bake sale where the price is determined by race or gender. White students must pay $1. Women $0.75. Blacks $0.25. Though obviously protected speech, these demonstrations have frequently been met with everything including violence.

Go read Wendy McElroy's article and tell me what you think.

(While I was composing this journal entry in my head, FroMan coincidentally wrote a very similar journal entry. I figured there's nothing to lose about getting the word out twice. Plus, my JE has actual links. ;-)

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The Conservative Cookie Rebellion

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  • Truth be told though, your JE completely blew mine out of the water. This morning's write-up was rather impulsive for me, as I didn't really have time to give it justice.

    Wasn't this week's column great?
    • iFeminist posted similar stories a few weeks (month?) ago when the first of these "bake sales" happened. Correct me if I am wrong. I don't see a section on the "iF" web site for history searches but I found references using the FoxNews searches.

      Thursday, February 27, 2003 [foxnews.com]
      BERKELEY, Calif. -- Students at a California university used cookies instead of protest signs on Wednesday to demonstrate against college affirmative action policies.

      Wednesday, September 24, 2003 [foxnews.com]
      DALLAS -- Southern Methodist Universi

      • I dunno if I get your question, but I'll try to answer anyways, heck, this is \.

        Yeah, there have been a number or articles on the bake sales recently. While that in itself is an interesting story, I think part of what we (or atleast I was) pointing out was Wendy McElroy, who writes for iFeminist. Her particular writeup I think was very well done and why it was worth mention today.
        • I was just mentioning in passing that I remember reading about this from the same column. Either it was a dupe story on their end, or the subject matter was similar but the article was new.

          In ay case, yes the article was a good read with some good info.

    • your JE completely blew mine out of the water.

      Well, thanks. I disagree, but thanks. :-)

      Yeah, I enjoyed the article.

      Sorry, folks, for not getting more involved in the debate. I am just overwhelmed getting ready for the Christmas and New Year's holidays. Gotta wrap stuff up at work, get luggage packed, etc.

      But I'm happy that the debate has continued, nonetheless!
  • Go read Wendy McElroy's article and tell me what you think.

    I think it's clever political speach, though I wonder if the numbers are accurate.

    For the larger issue, I think that AA is too racist. A much better measure would be geographic location or tax bracket--something that isn't racist, isn't prejudicial, and is simply a "help the poor get up 'cause they don't have alumni parents to help them" program.
    • There is already measures that exist to help lower income families send children to college.

      The pell grant [ed.gov] is an example which works towards helping poorer folks. There are also many merit based scholarships that people can take advantage. If all else fails there are also federal student loans that you can take advantage of. The military is always looking for recruites also and you can take advantage of GI bill. To go to college is within everyone's reach who desires and is willing to make the sacrafic
      • The objective of higher learning should be putting higher educated people into the workforce. The goal should not be racial diversity, building character, or liberal arts education. Talented, skilled, productive people is what pushes a civilization forward.

        Yes, exactly.

        But the objective of Affirmative Action is to enable disadvantaged persons to become higher educated and more productive members of society, by giving a tie-breaking boost to those of more disadvantaged material.

        Rather than the current sy
      • First (you treasonous jerk) thanks for linking to my journal. That's mighty fine of you.

        Second, a liberal arts education is what drives civilizations forward, and if you had a brain you'd understand that. The graduates of American colleges (which are the finest in the world) are not directed towards narrow technical fields. They are taught to think. That's the goal of a liberal arts education.

        If you want to crank out a robot who can't think (such as yourself) then what you need is a technical school, focu
  • This is a dupe, jerk!
    • Parent is a flame, jerk!

    • The author already mentioned the other JE referencing similar material. That should have been enough to explain the nature of the post, and gave rationale for the post.

      What more do you exect is a journal that is not your own?

      • Sorry, but he signed up for the opt-in abuse list and I'm just trying to provide a service. If you want to sign up too, then you'll get occasional impressions of Ann Coulter (if she were a liberal).

        SeanAhern is particularly hard to do my impressions for, since it seems that he rarely says the really stupid things. As a result, I have to sneak in abuse here and there, if I can.
      • Ahhhh, and welcome to the opt-in abuse list. I hope you enjoy the continuing impressions if Ann Coulter (if she were a liberal) that I will supply. Remember, you can opt-out at any time. Keep a watch on my journal for updates to the policy.

        (you jerk)

        • Hummmm

          My initial reaction to the "jerk" line was a result of my annoyance of the use of the word with out substantiating comments. I saw none, so I foed, thus applying my negative "bonus" to your posts to lower them below my reading thresh-hold.

          Having read a few of your recent JEs, per your request, I see that you are interested in presenting a point of view from the far left, using tactics perceived of the far right. I can only say that this is a good thing. I always want to see facts checked and opin
          • I always want to see facts checked and opinions logically and thoughtfully presented.

            I doubt that very much. After all, one needs to look no farther than GW Bush and the White House to see what kind of spin can be put on things. The totalitarian right only wants to see facts invented and opinions squashed under their steel boot. Cm'on, that was too easy. I've even got half my brain tied behind my back.
            • The totalitarian right

              Sure may be they don't want facts checked and opinions logically and thoughtfully presented... But I'm not them. Heck I am even against the sodomy laws or other laws making it illegal for same sex partners to have sex.

              • Are you sure that my opt-in abuse list is for you? Maybe you are too dumb to know. Conservatives always claim to know what they want, but I'll tell you what they want. MONEY, and that's it.
  • getting too worried about AA at Universities. Are there that many white kids not getting to go to college who want to go? Not that I know of.

    Even with AA and what not, the numbers I've seen still show pretty low rates of enrollment for minorities. So while these policies may be philosophically offensive- do they do that much damage?

    So I just worry more about things that seem to be more critical.

    As for my opinion of the article. I thought it was o.k. Affirmative Action is not difficult to lambast.
    • If a single non-minority is hurt by affirmative action, it's done enough damage. You don't fix racism by spewing racism.

      The idea behind affirmative action is that minorities often attend public schools in areas of the country where these schools are not up to par. Minorities are then given extra points on entrance exams and what not. What is a better fix than blatant racism? Well let me think, how about fixing the fucking schools that these liberals say are so bad? To support affirmative action is to say th

      • Ok, ignoramus, it's not the liberals who are saying that we should not fix the schools, and they are so fucking bad.

        Last I checked, it was the conservatives who badmouth the ungodly public schools every chance they get. They even want to have vouchers to send their kids to private schools, away from the unwashed masses. Now you tell me, who is abandoning the public schools?
        • The liberals!

          Allowing minorities who are in such failing schools [so failing that some in our society actually support a racist system in accepting them to college] to go to private schools and get out of these public schools is a great idea! The ones who remain in the public schools will then be the undesirables whose parents don't care about them at all. We can then move from teaching geography to teaching how to make me some fucking french fries.

          By the way, I love your work.

          • The whole reason that minorities are in such failing schools is that the conservatives have looted our country for as much as they could take, and their history of marginalizing the poor has run this country into the ground. This is why conservatives are TRAITORS.

            The entire reason why the public schools in minority areas are so bad is that they are funded by property taxes. This was clever of the conservatives - keep the future money away from the poor by tying public education to the local capital. Withou
        • lol you mental deficient vouchers are for those who cant afford private schools, not these imaginary rich uncle penny bags you are so fond of associating with conservatism. Its funny that Bill Clinton avoided at all cost sending his daughter to a public school? Wonder how many of the Kennedy kids want to go to east side high. Are you aware that in almost every voucher program even though the kid leaves a public school they still get half the money for him? Are you also aware SCOTUS has ruled voucher program
          • The brain dead conservatives can't figure out that we're not talking about places with $10,000 per kid. Obviously you were too busy killing small animals, and not learning to read! The brain dead conservatives can't figure out that poor districts are still not going to be able to properly fund a school! That voucher money has to come from somewhere, asshole!
            • This Brain dead conservative knows that Minneapolis MN is a poor district. Poor DIstricst like Minneapolis MN, and Buffalo NY get sate and federal Aide where disctricts like Amherst NY, and Mapelwood MN (Rich Districts) do not.

              Now pottymouth this is how the voucher program in Cleveland (model for most and one that passed SCOTUS) works. If your kid is in a school which is failing to educate them you can get a voucer to go to a charter, or private school. Now out of the 8K (mean amount) the school district

              • Haha, you don't even know what a liberal is, you cock gobbler!

                Besides, you hate the Constitution! YOU HATE IT! You told me so.

                Well, that's enough impressions of Ann Coulter (if she were a liberal) for you for today. You're hogging the supply
                • Actually Ann Coulter uses facts not baseless accusations. Ann Coulter puts who she really is in front of the whole nation not some adolecent boy who wants to stir up trouble on slashdot..

The next person to mention spaghetti stacks to me is going to have his head knocked off. -- Bill Conrad
