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Journal capoccia's Journal: November Spam Report

I have decided to begin tracking the spam that I recieve to my primary email address. I am hoping it will provide some means of quantifying the effectiveness of my spam reporting. November is the first full month of tracking.

I have been reporting my spam using SpamCop's free service. This sends a report to the administrators of every system being (ab)used by spammers. I have also been sending a copy to the FTC via

I recieved 356 spam emails in November. There does seem to be weekly ebb and flow with the levels peaking in the middle and declining by the weekend. Less than 60% of my spam is even in English. The Cyrillic portion looks like Russian, but I can neither read nor write Russian.

Spam Quantity by Day of Week
Language of Spam
Daily Spam Quantity

Once again, there is a version with better formatting available.

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November Spam Report

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