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Journal Chira's Journal: Gentle Massage

Last night, I had a terrible stomachache. There was a lot of air in my stomach. I felt like it was going to explode. I told my BF that I should go to bed early and try to sleep. He went with me to the bedroom. Then I sat on the bed and leaned against the wall. He started putting his hands on my stomach and massaging it gently. He and I heard the air-moving noise (gurgling) from my tummy and we laughed. He tried hard to help. He told me that when infants have stomachaches like I had, a gentle massage will help them feel better. It was helpful, because a few minutes later, I felt much better. He hugged me until we both fell asleep.

He was very sweet to me. I felt like he was telling me that whatever happens between us, he will still loves me, even though he didn't say anything.

Thank you sweetheart.
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Gentle Massage

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