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Journal Cliff's Journal: Mmmm.... Apple 4

Wonder if I should do something like this with the Ask Slashdot pages. Well, not exactly like it, but spice up the pages a bit. I have to admit I've never been happy with the grey color scheme (I think Developers got the best of the lot with the Apache section on the other end of the spectum and Ask Slashdot grey right smack dab in the "bleah" spot). So what kind of design changes would you like to see on the Ask Slashdot pages?

I can't promise anything at this point (I'm currently working hard on another project right now), depending on the suggestion, I'm sure there is something that can be worked out.

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Mmmm.... Apple

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  • I agree, Ask Slashdot's color scheme has always been drab. I have to say though, that I really hate YRO's color scheme even worse - ugh beige/brown...

    But when I first saw the Apple section, I was like "Whaa?" Lovely Gradient green with OS X like background stripes? I was amazed. Such nice design and color coordination from /.? Surely not. :)

    So yes, perhaps a nice gradient section header and an blue color scheme? (one that doesn't conflict with the developer section) Or possibly orange. There aren't many colors left. Black is the radio section, but we all know how often that section is used.

    Another thing - You should ask Rob to go ahead and take that shiny metallic Slashdot logo header that's on the Apple section page and just put it on the main page. It looks a lot more contemporary design-wise, (and eye-candy-wise)

  • I like the look of those logos, I just don't like the feel...

    When I'm on apache [] for example, and I see the Slashdot button/icon/whatever you wanna call it at the top, with the sub title "News for Nerds. Stuff that matters." and I click it, I expect to be taken to the main www site, not back to apache again. If the icon were changed from the one on the main page so that it said "Slashdot - Apache" then I'd understand why it took me to where it did. However I'd still wonder: how does one, via clicking only, get from a section out to the main page? There is no listing in the sections for "main." I can hop from apache [] to developers [] and back but not to the main page without use of the back button. The method I've found that uses the fewest number of clicks on pages (non-browser things) is to click on faq and then hit the Slashdot logo/icon/whatever at the top.

    And oh yeah, that lovely apple section, it's slashdot icon/logo/whatever does take you to the main page so I guess I could always just jump to the apple section to get to the main page - that makes sense, right?

    Talk about an easy to navagate site...
  • Seriously, make it TacoHell meets Geekizoid meets Go for 800x200 title images, funky and hard to read comment blocks, blink tags and code that breaks the rendering in Netscape 4.8 and Opera. :-)

  • seriously. CT's fiance Kathleen Fent has done some artwork [] for slashdot already. Maybe she can jazz up the askslashdot section.

    also, a suggestion for the apple section - in the part of the page where comments appear, why not maintain the Aqua l&f for the grey bars that show subj, poster, time/date, score, etc.

"What if" is a trademark of Hewlett Packard, so stop using it in your sentences without permission, or risk being sued.
