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User Journal

Journal AssFace's Journal: just need to make it to the 18th of this month

I am taking the rest of the month, starting on the 18th. I will have time to sleep, read, work on projects, and most importantly, goof off.

I have a user here that is a consultant. I'm not really sure where his core skills reside, but they aren't in computers. He is retarded with computers. He calls me more than anyone in the office, and he isn't even technically part of our office.
He needed to use HushMail, which is a secure mail system. He didn't like that he had to login. I tried to explain to him that part of the process of a secure server is that there will be added layers of security. He didn't get it.

Today he called up and asked if the server was down. I told him nope, it was indeed not. He then asked why he was getting some message telling him his username wasn't working - I asked him if that was his username on our server... nope.
This man is brilliant. He also wastes a lot of our network bandwidth.

Milestones I will be excited for:
1) This jackass leaves to some other office.
2) My vacation at the end of the month.
3) When I leave to another company or my own company is off and running with no hitches.

I am reading Fermat's Enigma right now and quite enjoying it. Next after that, going to read Confederacy of Dunces.

Went and saw Love Actually last night. Next movies I want to rent are Boondock Saints and The Salton Sea.

That's about it.

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just need to make it to the 18th of this month

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Nothing is finished until the paperwork is done.
