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Journal staticjedi's Journal: CONVERSATION WITH A GHOST

I am what my kind calls a death speaker. I can communicate with the dead like I am communicating with you right now or like I would carry on a conversation with anyone.

Earlier I spoke with a grandfather of mine who just recently decided to get intouch with me. I asked him if I could publish our conversation as I felt that those of you who have been a tad pushy about knowong who/what I am may get sparse bits of info from it. So here goes...

Grandpa:I*** are you ready to go?
Me:What do you think? Of course I am. My whole life has been a lie and I fear I may have to continue it deeper if I were to stay.
Grandpa:I understand. What was done was wrong. But you would have been killed if you would have been left. I would have done it. I don't like that.
Me:I know. Would you realy have killed your own child?
Grandpa:I would have had no choice. He would have made me.
Me:Oh. Yes he is like that at times isn't he. Do you remember my mom?
Me:What was she like? I mean in comparison to me.
Grandpa:I think you are much more headstrong. You would have been very difficult to turn. But yet you hold more resentment, deeper, darker, within you over your situation that she does, or ever did.
Me:My whole life has been a quest for acceptance by this race. A desire to be one with them. I now realise, as I did many years ago, that this is not attainable. I am diffrent. I will always be. And I will never proclaim that I will not return here because well we all know what happens then don't we!? (giggle)
Grandpa:(chuckle)Yes we do.

Thats all. The conversations are never very long. I think my best is a 30 min. conver. with my brother Albert when he passed.
Sometimes I can call to them but most of the time they come to me. It's not like a psychic link, which I also have have with all of my birth family and some of my dearest off world friends. Who I cant wait to hang with.

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