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Journal m0smithslash's Journal: Looking for work - JAVA/J2EE/C++ 3

I am looking for a moonlighting job. I like my daytime job but I need some after hours sort of thing. The idea is a project I can do from home.

Versatile software engineering professional with broad ranging experience in object oriented methodologies. Top record of performance in strategic and tactical planning, technical processes and product development, and the building of customer relations. Merge hands-on leadership style with excellent communication skills to continually drive focused teams to performance excellence achieving aggressive goals in a competitive and rapidly changing industry. Proven record in assimilating and adapting new languages and environments. Strong background in software development; architecture and design, internet and web-based systems, Java, C/C++, XML, UML, NT, Unix, SQL, Oracle, PL/SQL, MFC, EJB, JSP, J2EE, JDBC, ODBC, CORBA, HTTP, HTML, CVS, Linux, Solaris/SunOS, HPUX, middleware, and networks. Software engineering qualifications include:

New Product Development

Cross-Platform Development & Integration

Team Leadership, Training & Development

Source Code Control Usage & Administration

Software Development Processes

Software Design & Analysis

Build/Release Management

Bachelors of Science in Computer Science

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Looking for work - JAVA/J2EE/C++

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