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Journal AssFace's Journal: travelling man

I am going back to the States for Thanksgiving - I leave on Tuesday around 1:30 here - going into Philly and then layover there and then onto Raleigh from there where I will get a ride to Cary.
There used to be a direct flight from Bermuda into Raleigh, but that stopped and now I have to either through Philly, Athlanta, NYC, or Boston.
I'm not terribly thrilled that I will be going to the States around a holiday, but this might be the last time I see my grandmother - she is not doing well.

I will have a busy day at work tomorrow and then no work again until the next Monday.

I was hoping that during my layovers that I would have wireless access - I looked on the net and sure enough, the Philly airport installed 802.11b in all of the terminals (seems a bit odd that they would do the slowest at first).
I was thrilled to see that - but then I saw that it isn't free, it is $9.99.
That gives you access for 24 hours, and I will have to see how long my layovers are - if they are over an hour, I will most certainly want wireless access.

I have decided to join SourceForge and see if I can work on a project with this new PowerBook that I have. I haven't looked yet how to get source off of there yet - feel pretty stupid since it isn't obvious to me - I'm assuming that it must be cvs.


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travelling man

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The game of life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy.
