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Journal AssFace's Journal: A useless weekend for me

My fiancee's birthday is the 10th. She left Sat morning to go to Toronto with her mother to celebrate her birthday. That leaves me alone in the house to do whatever I want.
Apparently "whatever I want" involves watching DVDs, sleeping, and not eating.
If left to my own accord I will just forget to eat.

I watched Donnie Darko again... twice. The more times one watches a movie, the less it is a fun experience and more one notices how they actually made the movie. At least I do.
Also watched... wow, already forgot what I watched. Some other DVD that I own. Snatch I think.

I need to go out and get more groceries, but I'm lazy. The place is less than a mile away from here, but it was raining all weekend and I am just on my Vespa.

I was supposed to go for a 10 mile run this morning, but I stayed up too late last night and slept through the alarm this morning.

Fortunately I just have tomorrow and then a day off on Tuesday. I am not sure what holiday that is, but it is something here. not a holiday in the States, so I will still be trading for whom I trade their money. (Which is going very well).

My laptop is getting hotter than I had hoped. I put a book between my laptop and my lap. Same thing I did with my other laptop.
I still haven't transferred over my files from that one to this one. I think I will need to burn a CD to do it, and I don't know if that other one will not crash long enough to burn 100 megs or so of a zip file to a disc. I would do it over a network, but I don't know if it will stay alive long enough to transfer a 100 megs or so of a zip file over the net.
The main files I wish I had are my Outlook adresses and one Excel file that I had on there.

I have gotten used to my laptop enough now that I think I am down to just a few current annoyances:
1) the heat - this thing gets hot if I do anything with it. Nothing too major, I am just bummed because I had gotten my hopes up too high I think that it would be better than my other laptop in that respect. That said, it doesn't seem too unhappy about its own heat, so as long as it doesn't care, I will deal with it.

2) This is probably my number one issue right now - the Ctrl button - well, just the keyboard layout in general. I know there are people out there that want to swap the ctrl button and the caps lock, and then they want the ctrl on the right instead of the enter button.
I really don't care about that at all - I just want the ctrl in the lower left of the keyboard - where the current fn key is. I would much prefer the fn key be where the eject key is and then just map the eject key to be with some function combo - don't know, I never use the thing. I am constantly hitting the fn instead of the ctrl and it is a very unnatural movement for me to dodge the fn and go one button in with my pinky to get the ctrl - it basically forces me to slow down and type totally unnaturally - so it is very annoying.
I also miss that I used to be able to hold down ctrl and shift and then move the arrow keys left or right and it would highlight whole words, allowing me to quickly select things to delete. It behaves differently on the Mac, and worse yet, it seems to behave differently in different apps.
A HUGE annoyance that I must be missing something on since this is a very very very big deal to me - in text editing, if I highlight a block of text and press tab, it should indent the text - especially in a program that involves writing code. But instead, the program treats it as if I pressed the space bar and just erases the text. This is INCREDIBLY annoying. Especially when writing code that you want to quickly format.
That said - the keyboard hardware itself is great - I just disagree with the layout of the special keys.

3) I really really really want a graphical IDE for Perl that allows me to do code completion. Komodo 2.5 on the Windows system would allow me to write out my code, and then in mid word I could hit ctrl and space and it would go back through my code and autocomplete the word with the next word it finds like that - press the key combo again and it will change the word to something else that is a near fit until you are happy.
XCode has Perl syntax highlighting, but it doesn't have code folding, tabbing selected text just erases it, and there is no keyboard shortcut for autocomplete and no autocomplete at all for Perl.

I had a 4th, but I seem to have forgotten it.

In all, I am pleased with this laptop and constantly finding new things that I love, and occasionally finding things that I hate.
Fortunately the list of things that I love is longer than the hates at this point.

Stocks to watch tomorrow, should move a significant amount (long):

I'm enjoying listening to music again, had gotten away from that since the other guys in my office tend to play their own horrible taste in music all day.
After watching Donnie Darko, I got the Mad World on mp3 and some variants of it.
Good song.

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A useless weekend for me

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