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Journal m0smithslash's Journal: Reporting on voting

We had some local elections yesterday. I only got to vote for some local city councilmen. In Salt Lake they were voting for a new mayor, or maybe just keep the old one. On the evening news they were reporting that the old mayor was ahead by about 20 votes with just the absentee ballots counted. Have these TV news types not learned anything?

They then interviewed the mayor asking his thoughts. Gee, lets see, NONE of the votes had been counted except a few absentee ballots. Even then it was almost a dead tie. So what does the mayor think? He is cautiously optimistic. No kidding.

What did he really think? What we all thought. What a stupid question. With the fiasco that was the "reporting" of the last presidential election, all the news outlets claimed they learned something. It is obvious they did not. What should they have learned? That we should report news. What do they do? They grab what ever they can and try to make it news. No matter if its wrong, premature or inaccurate. Being first is all that matters.

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Reporting on voting

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