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Journal AssFace's Journal: yes, oh yes, oh yes, dear lord... oh yes

I have never been so excited about a laptop before.
This thing is amazing.
I came into work this morning - had a call during breakfast that the mail server was down... again.
I told them what to do while on the phone (essentially "reboot" since it is an MS server), then came into work.
Got here and saw that I had a voicemail message and a written message on my desk.

The voicemail was from a woman here that doesn't speak english all that well and her network connection was out.
The written message was from a consultant we have in house that I spend entirely too much time on trying to deal with his totally fucked laptop. It turns out he got a virus last night and it messed his system up and he wanted me to fix it. Awesome.

So I went up and talked to the non-english speaking woman. Her network connection is working again - it comes and goes. I have already swapped out a network card from her machine - no idea what is causing this - told her I will look into it.

Then I went and talked to the consultant guy. It turns out it was a trojan and he worked it out with a few people, including MS themselves on the phone for a few hours last night. Glad it wasn't me.
He still had a few issues that I waded through and then came back to my desk so that I could burn him a CD with some more software on it that will help him (spyware scanning stuff).
In order to burn this CD, I will have to reboot this machine because it forgets that it has a CD-ROM unit in it about 5 minutes after booting up.

So I wasn't in the best mood - although I'm always grinning in the mornings and the evenings now that I'm riding the Vespa, that thing is wonderful. (it got knocked over in a storm the other night and it knocked off some more paint - but on plastic this time - it is an expensive toy for it to get knocked over so much)
Anyway - got to my desk and there was a pile of Mac there. My father-in-law was back from the States and had delivered my new Mac laptop - 15" Alum PowerBook.

I unwrapped it and I am blown away by how well the thing is constructed. Haven't turned it on yet and won't really do much with it until I get Panther on there.
I need to read through the docs too before I do too much with it - but since Apple is designed for morons, I figure I can just start it up and be alright.
It is so light and thin compared to my other laptop. About half as thick, slightly wider, and slightly less deep.
The keyboard is fairly nice, will take a little getting used to - but not too much I don't think.

I hope all of my drooling won't now ensure some problem with this beast.

Oh yeah, if you are holding GAP today, try to get out early. IRN still looks good, but mainly if you got in yesterday. PCS is good, and HMN is probably the best bet if you don't want a penny stock and are getting in today.

In closing, I have decided to go on a 10 mile run this Sunday with some other runners.

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yes, oh yes, oh yes, dear lord... oh yes

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I've never been canoeing before, but I imagine there must be just a few simple heuristics you have to remember... Yes, don't fall out, and don't hit rocks.
