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Journal AssFace's Journal: blocked me some banner ads 1

I don't know why I took this long to get around to it...
I have been blocking pop-ups at first with Firebird and then now do it under IE with the new(ish) Goolgle toolbar.

Finally today I decided to block banner ads (not all of them - I actually left the Slashdot banners since I sometimes am actually interested in the stuff they have up there).
Went in and did it via the hosts file - redirecting ad servers to the localhost.
Can also do it on the firewall, which I might do at work just to limit the amount of bandwidth used on our already overloaded connection.

I wish there was a way so that it wouldn't leave a gaping hole in the page and then a broken image symbol there, but that is all part of the browser issue.

I'm still looking forward to my laptop tomorrow.

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blocked me some banner ads

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