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Journal AssFace's Journal: my Mac is coming in tomorrow

My new l5" Alum PowerBook laptop is coming tomorrow.
I just need to pay the $858 duty on it and then it is all mine. So shiny and pretty.

I won't have Panther yet, so I'm not going to do too much to the laptop other than try to learn how to use it.
I will use the serial to order a copy of panther to be sent to my mom's place for when I go there for Thanksgiving.

There is a guy here in the office that rents space here that will bring in Panther for me when he gets his Mac in - so I will have access to it - but I still want the actual stuff for myself as well, so I will be paying for my own - but I can install it from his a little earlier maybe.

I started officially trading someone else's portfolio last Friday.
On a $15K investment, they are currently up $1K, and on a $12K investment, they look to be about $300 up.
I think I can resolve those to both be an additional $1K within the next 2 days.
(today is GAP, IRN, and RNR would have also been a decent one. My code scans over thousands of stocks, does its thing, and then spits out about 20 that it says to buy - I then do my own analysis and pick the best ones out of there. Working quite well.)

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my Mac is coming in tomorrow

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