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Journal rLobster's Journal: Reminiscent of Stalin 3

I titled this entry "reminiscent of Stalin" because I was going to use it as a warning to lurkers in this journal, and perhaps a purge, but in retrospect I don't care. If anything, you lurkers (your know who you are!!!) might learn something about me and my character, as I learn myself by thus manifesting my feelings and occasionally expanding our vocabulary.

At any rate, we're going through this together, and although that's a little cliche of a thing to say, it's mostly true. Everyone uses my journal at different levels, some really really care and others, well, it's just something to do instead of Whatever that case, response is a little thin, which is OK because this is mainly for me, but sometimes it's nice to get a response - even if it's just to tell my I have terrible grammer or something.:----------)
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Reminiscent of Stalin

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