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Journal staticjedi's Journal: THE TRUTH SHALL SET THEM FREE

AT 5:40PM pst today I was closer to suicide than I have ever been before
A phone call came in and a man asked for K. I said he wasnt here. In the background I could hear a female giggling and say "i hope he can lie about going to work".I decided to call back and tell this bimbo she could have him. when i did the name suddenly became KEVIN not K(name with held for now). those 2 names are diffrent enough for me to know the diffrence. here is the number, call it, have fun, tell the bitch thank you for me---360-601-8341.
would the world or anyone on it who claims to care about me realy miss me if I were to die???
I realy doubt it.
the worse part of all of this...i might be pregnant again. maybe another miscarrage wouldnt be so bad. i might as well just walk off into the dark and disapear.

T V V, I know you read this, please come help me. take me away from all of this.

T P, I would in a minuet if all my suspisions are true and you want to.

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