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Journal Aggrazel's Journal: Last Day 1

Today's my last day at my job, then I get to go back on unemployment for the 3rd time in my life, the second time because someone from India is taking my job. Go me.

The worst part about a last day is wiping my existance off of the computer I've practically lived on for the past year. Yeah, I'm gonna do the HDD sweep thing, overwriting the blank space about 6 or 7 times. I realize that even after all that the data can probably be read by some uber shop that has some super powerful microscope but hey... I figure if they go through all that trouble they can HAVE my slashdot password for whatever its worth.

But its like erasing myself, a part of my identity. The projects I worked on, the programs I built, the little tools I installed to make my day to day job easier, all of them erased. This is no longer my laptop. It'll go back to the people who deal with hardware and it'll probably sit in a stack of laptops somewhere, unloved, unused, waiting for someone to pick it up.

When it does go back out I hope a decent person gets it and not some moron. Am I being overly sentimental about a piece of hardware? Maybe. But I've cared for this thing since the day it was delivered, and much like anything that you care for once its been delivered, you want to see it do well.

Oh well, anyway, much like the laptop, I'm going back to where I came from, to sit in a corner, unused, waiting for someone to find a use for me. Last time it took me 13 months to get another job. Thats 13 months of my life where I was spending money I had saved for my retirement instead of saving money. By my estimation, that set my retirement back 5 years, all because some company wanted to save less than $200 a week by exporting my job to India.

This time, I don't have so much money saved, so likely I'll be losing my house if something doesn't come along soon. Hope the market's better this time.

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Last Day

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