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Journal lateralus's Journal: Aikido Damage II 2

I showed up at the doctors office with some X-Rays of my injured knee. He hummed and hawed and gave me two choices seeing as the infection in my knee is too advanced to be treated by "nice" methods.

Wait for a month while taking it very easy (no Aikido, slow walking). Take more X-Rays and see if we can use none invasive treatments.


Go to the hospital and let them shoot my knee full of Cortisone.

I'm off Aikido for a month then. Bummer.

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Aikido Damage II

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  • You rule out the Cortisone? What's the downside? I ad a cortisone shot in my heel about a year ago that did wonders.

    How's that for amateur medical advice based on anecdotal evidence?

    • It's not the Cortisone per se but the method of inserting it into my body; injection. I admit that having 5 tattoos makes me a bit of a hypocrite as far as fearing needles.

      I hate hospitals and the places of the sick, if I can possibly avoid them I do.

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