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Journal lateralus's Journal: Learn to learn well

The following is quoted from an E-mail sent by Aviram Jenik from Beyond Security to the Linux-IL mailing list. In the E-mail he explains that his company is hiring and lists some of the requirements:

C programming experience * ...

(*) This does not necessarily have to be prior working experience

On the other hand, if you're fresh out of the army/university and have no
actual experience please do not bother to apply.
Why this harsh judgement? Because our experience shows that practically all
university graduates without job experience have never programmed a practical
application in their lives. Not only that, their programming assignments seem
to have nothing to do with real-life and are far from practical.
So if you or anyone you know is a university student or a fresh graduate, and
they are unemployed because employers look for experienced workers, please
ask them why they are not volunteering for an open source project. This will
both give them the experience they need (real experience!), another line on
their resume, and increase their chances that someone will take notice of

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Learn to learn well

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