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Journal AssFace's Journal: today is teh suk

Last night while trying to return videos, the scooter I am renting died going up any hills. So I turned around and drove home.
Turned the scooter in today.
Was hoping to go do the equivalent of the DMV here. But I got a phone call while exchanging the bike and they told me that a server was down here.
I got in and the SCSI drives on it were totally dead.

So from 9:30am this morning until now, I have been rebooting this thing and tearing it apart and trying different ways to maybe salvage anything out of it.
Our backups also apparently didn't back up this server - a dangerous way to learn a lesson, but actually not too bad in this case since this was our secondary domain controller and only really did that and print serving.

It is an old PII 400 with 256MB RAM in it and a slow cd-rom. It is taking absolutely forever to get anything done on it.

It is 3:30pm now and I think by 4pm I should be able to start putting Win2K on it. I'm really not enjoying this and I think I'm not in a huge hurry to get this back up tonight.

I so hate IT work. "Sure, you will do some IT work and then all of the programming for us here."
By that they meant that they have no programming work and what they do have, they will expect me to get done while the network here is always crapped out.

On the good side, I have a few clients for my portfolio management and stock market advice business - so hopefully soon that will start generating some real money and I can stop doing this job that I hate.

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today is teh suk

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The only problem with being a man of leisure is that you can never stop and take a rest.
