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Journal Jack William Bell's Journal: Good News (sort of) 4

I just got home after 28 hours at the hospital with Anita. A friend is staying with her for a few hours whilst I catch a quick shower and head back.

The surgery went fine. The oncologist/surgeon performed a full hysterectomy and the tumors were evaluated by a pathologist who determined that they were malignant; however there was no sign of spread. The cancer seemed very localized and the oncologist is currently staging it as a 1b or 1c.

Of course everything depends on the biopsy reports for the lymph nodes and such, but if those turn out negative this means it is very possible Anita might not even require chemotherapy! This news is an incredible relief to me because I did all the appropriate googling and found that five year survival rates for women over forty-five with stage 3 ovarian cancer were considerably less than 50%, and ten year survival rates even worse -- a very frightening prospect and one that has kept me awake at night for several days now.

However survival rates for stage 1 ovarian cancer, even when chemotherapy is required, are much more optimistic. So, all in all, this truly is good news!

Thank you all for your concern and prayers, and an especial thank you to the local friends who are helping us get through this -- especially mentioning Jane and Tammy who sat with me through the long wait for the surgery last night. This whole thing is horrid enough without having to face it alone and your support means a lot to Anita and myself...

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Good News (sort of)

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