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Journal Dave2 Wickham's Journal: Bloat 1.2 released (sorry about the salesman-speak)

For those of you who care...

Well, after a long (5 months, 6 days) period, Bloat 1.2 has been released! There is a lot in Bloat 1.2 which justifies the upgrade from 1.1, indeed there is too much to list here; check the release notes for Bloat 1.2 for a cut-down version of the changes. If you have been using a release candidate of Bloat 1.2, I'd also recommend you upgrade, as there you will be able to feel safe in the knowledge you aren't using an RC any more ;-).

RedHat (and other RPM-based distribution) users are also in for a treat - Bloat 1.2 has an RPM of it available from the sourceforge download page. Autopackage testers/onlookers can also play around with the Bloat 1.2 package, in addition to the ready-made packages on

So, what are you waiting for? Upgrade to Bloat 1.2 now!

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Bloat 1.2 released (sorry about the salesman-speak)

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The road to ruin is always in good repair, and the travellers pay the expense of it. -- Josh Billings
