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Journal AssFace's Journal: want my money? apparently not.

I am trying to exchange my money for goods and services. I was taught that this is normally how it works, but apparently once you move to Bermuda, that stops.

I have tried to buy an Apple from a store in Canada - they said that they would do it, but Toronto is apparently fresh out of the new AlumBooks.
I then tried to do it from the online Apple store. They wouldn't ship to Bermuda.
I tried to do it at the US Amazon - they wouldn't ship to Bermuda.
I tried to do it at the UK Amazon, they don't carry Apple stuff.

I haven't looked to see if there is a UK Apple site that will work with me.

I was a die hard Mac hater and now am willing to try switching - hell, I'm tall and relatively normal looking, they could frickin put me in a switch ad - just work with me here.

"Here, I would like to give you my money in exchange for shiny things."
"Great, hand over to... wait, where are you from? Oh? Okay, sorry, can't do it - thanks though."

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want my money? apparently not.

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