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Journal AssFace's Journal: My laptop is unhappy and spastic, like my colon.

At work, my laptop can make it okay. It is air conditioned in here and I have it on a desk. I even went so far as to put a small pad of paper under it so that some air can get under there (in theory).
But at home, I have the laptop on my... well, my lap. It gets hot, the fan on the processor doesn't work, it overheats, and it dies. I can't start it up again until it cools, which takes about an hour.

Then when I get to work and try to reset the DHCP on it so that it will grab a new IP on our network, it will aknowledge that I have a network jack and that it is working, but it tells me that my DHCP server is not working (which I know that it is).
I can either keep asking it to try and eventually after about 25 tries, it will be like "oohhhhh, THAT DHCP server! Riiiight, okay, working." - or I unplug that network cable and plug in a PCMCIA card. It will tell me that it doesn't work, then I pull that out, and then put it back into the built in jack and then it usually works within 5 tries.

I figure that is really how computers should work - like crack addicts with ADHD.

I tried to buy an AlumBook yesterday from a site in Canada, but the guy I need to talk to wasn't there. I hope that it doesn't have the Canadian keyboard... I didn't even know there was such a beast until I read about it recently.
I will try again today to get it.
The fellow hasn't responded to my e-mail - it bugs me when people don't reply to their e-mails within an hour of getting it. The fact that someone doesn't check their mail makes me distrust them :)
Especially if they want to take my money for comptuer stuff.

This new Mac will hopefully run cooler and be more durable for my commute. I walk and take the ferry with a Crumpler messenger bag (it is called Very Busy Man - which I'm not). This commute - presumably the bumping of walking - seems to be what killed my laptop since it worked fine prior to that.
The new Mac will have built in wireless, so I'm gonna wireless up my apartment and hopefully that will make my fiancee stop freaking out about the wires. (mainly one wire, which I don't even notice - but she acts like I dug a 10 foot trench in the living room and filled it with dead rats)

With duty, this laptop is going to cost me about $4K USD. My Vespa cost $5K I think. They are both shiny and design prettiness, and generally used by snobs. I guess that is me.

My code generated stock picks for today are (all Longs here):

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My laptop is unhappy and spastic, like my colon.

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