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Journal AssFace's Journal: I'm goiing Mac 2

Well, it is very hard for me to talk about this after being anti-Mac for so long.
I wouldn't exactly say I'm part of the "switch" capaign or anything since I haven't really used the thing yet, or even bought it, and I don't have too much terribly against Windows.

But I have decided on getting one of the new AlBooks (the aluminum alloy ones with built in bluetooth, a 1.25ghz processor, 15" screen and all that).

I have been reading up on the new XCode with the upcoming panther release, and I dare say it sounds quite cool.

I might later decide I hate it, but for now, I'm excited.
Going to try to buy it tomorrow and have it brought in next week.

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I'm goiing Mac

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  • Also do not double as space heaters or hotplates and are as powerful(or more so) as their Wintel equivalents.

    That's the big selling point for me right there.
    • I had heard that the original TiBooks would get quite hot, but the new one with the 1.25Ghz processor is much better about it.

      I decided I don't care about the mousebutton issue since I have noticed I use mostly the keyboard anyway for things that would require right clicking as it is.
      The keyboard is now the way I like - I don't like Mac desktop keyboards, which doesn't matter anyway since I could switch it - but the laptops seem to be good for me.

      The resolution issue used to bug me, but I think I'm losing

You mean you didn't *know* she was off making lots of little phone companies?
