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Journal AssFace's Journal: uh oh, might have to bite the bullet

Over the weekend I helped someone with a Toshiba laptop. It had WinMe on it and was totally hosed.
The hardware itself was good, just the software was a total wreck.
I told the person that I was probably going to suffer the wrath of the PC gods, but my laptop was really good and reliable and strong.

Today my laptop died with a pitiful grinding fan on the CPU. As long as I let it cool off, I can use it for a bit before it dies again.
I took it all apart, but it is nearly impossible to get to the processor and the fan.

So it is briefly working right now.

What is funny is that now the PCMCIA network card that I got when the built in network card broke... well, it broke.
But now the built in network jack work.

So I now need to decide what my replacement for this thing will be. I know that it will work for a bit, so it isn't a huge deal that I get it replaced immediately.
In the States I would just have something shipped to me, but I'm in Bermuda where the laptops here cost way more, and they are about a year old in terms of models.
I have the excellent advantage that my inlaws are currently travelling in Toronto right now, so I can get something there with them and then just pay them when they bring it in (and pay duty on it).

I know that I saw an HP in Wired that I liked, and then I know I have been contemplating the new 15" Ti Power Mac laptop.
I've also contemplated doing a laptop maybe even with Linux on it - but again, since I'm pretty much limited to things that can be purchased in Toronto in person - I'm thining BestBuy and maybe a Mac store.

Time to hit online before my laptop heats up too much.

(I can recall hearing something rattling around in the laptop, and it did for a long time - when I opened it up and was up to my elbows in there, I never found anything loose. I also managed to knock the esc key off and can't figure out how to get it back on)

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uh oh, might have to bite the bullet

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