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Journal AssFace's Journal: durn toofs

I had braces in my youth. Along with the braces came an overzealous orthodontist who removed much of the enamel from the sides of my molars when taking the bands off of those teeth.
As a result, I quickly got cavaties in every single one of my molars... in the side.
From what I understand, that is pretty rare - the only holes I have in the top of the teeth are from where the dentist had to go in that way to repair the cavity - but they complain about how thick the enamel is there and is hard to get through.
Goes to show the power of acid I guess. Lactic acid in the case of my tooth decay.

So anyway, my teeth are bothering me again - I brush my teeth religiously and I have been shown over and over how to do it, as if I'm mentally retarded and just can't grasp the concept and that is why my teeth are like this.
I rinse with water, I then floss, I then rinse with water, rinse with Listerine Tartar control, then rinse with water, then rinse with ACT and yet I still go to the dentist and get treated as if all I do is eat candy and sand and drink sodas.

While I was thinking about having to go and how much this time will cost me and how much pain will be involved, I wandered mentally off towards those disposable toothbrushes that are battery powered that rotate the head and such.
I recall that they had a series of ads showing that if you press too hard, it will stop - preventing you from using too much force on the tooth.
I thought that sounded good since the dentist is always claiming I press too hard, even though I have a soft toothbrush and do it as light as I can and still get anything done.

Then I got to thinking about it, and the more I think of it, the more I think it is a marketing description of a bug in the product.
They released these things to compete with rechargable ones which only replace the head. They are likely seeing a decrease in toothbrush sales enough due to these that they decided to market their own version, but disposable.
The problem with those is that they have a fixed lifetime of power in them, you can't recharge them.
With the ones that you recharge, if you press too hard, the motor will strain, but can draw more power because it will be recharged again right after you are done and put it back down on its stand.
Whereas the disposable ones are not going to get recharged, and they need to last some period of time that is reasonable to the consumer - so they can't waste that power on fighting high pressure.
So it is likely designed to just cut off if the load on it is too strong - or perhaps did this anyway due to the motor giving out.

Either way, I think the ad campaign was a side effect of the design, but I don't think it was designed to help those that push too hard.

I wonder if I can just have the rearmost molars removed? They were fine until I had my wisdom teeth removed, then stuff moved a bit due to the new freedom and as a result, the gums have receeded. The dentist of course blames this on me, as if I sit at night and focus on making my gums pull back.


There is a dentist here that I've heard allows you to watch DVDs while you get work done. I'm gonna bring in Marathon Man and just continually repeat the "Is it safe?!" scene.

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durn toofs

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