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Journal ceejayoz's Journal: See a Slashdotting 2

Just got a link posted to a Homeworld fansite I run on Games.Slashdot.org - if you wanna see the Slashdotting in progress, check out the logs...

Holding up nicely, I'd say, but then again it's not on the front page...

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See a Slashdotting

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  • It looks like th vast majority of the people getting there via the games.slashdot.org are using Windows 2000 or XP, and many of them are even using MSIE as their browser.

    It sure makes it clear that at least for Games, most users are linux geeks. (and not that this is a weekend when you can use the "I only use windows at work" excuse).
    • Yeah - I was noticing that, too. Out of about 1000 referred users, 80-90% of those were using Windows, and probably 60+% of those were using MSIE.

      I'd love to see if Slashdot's server logs reflect the same kind of thing... I'd suspect they do.

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