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Journal AssFace's Journal: And another thing

I have been getting a lot of virus e-mails lately. I don't open them (well, at least not in an e-mail client), but I can see that they aren't legit.

They are claiming to be from Microsoft and to contain patches for my system. The mail doesn't come from Microsoft and instead is out of comcast - so unless Microsoft is testing its new distributed patch e-mailing system, I'd say this is a new virus/trogran/worm whatever trying to spread.
From the amount and increase that I have seen, I would say that it is working. People are installing the "patch" and effectively infecting themselves and then spreading it to other retards.

I saw the new Mac laptops and I like that the keyboard is a bit different, the speed is better, and they don't get as hot.
I was hoping for a higher resolution, but can't get everything.
While I was reading about the new one online, I saw that it had an aluminum alloy case - so much for being called the Ti.
Then in the background, on TV, I saw multiple times in an hour an ad for the new Mac laptop - and they say that it is made of titanium. I think I believe the website more than I belive that dude that played the Fly that speaks in the ad. Even if he did use an Apple laptop to beat the Aliens in that forth of July film.
I wonder if they considered trying to get Martin Lawrence for that role - he was great in that Great Escape movie. Silly Germans.

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And another thing

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