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Journal JobCenter's Journal: Administrative Notes 9

For the time being, this account will friend all of its fans. This may change if it gets too close to the limit.

Also, it seems we have picked up a troll. So, JobCenter is now a subscriber. The default for future journal entries will be "No Foes". I assume that will exclude ACs, but we will see how it works out.

If there is a continuing problem, I will go to "Just Friends and their Friends", or maybe "Just Friends". At that point, if you want to post, either friend JobCenter or send an e-mail.
This discussion was created by JobCenter (709047) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Administrative Notes

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  • The default for future journal entries will be "No Foes". I assume that will exclude ACs, but we will see how it works out.

    It does (otherwise, your foes would be able to post as AC, defeating the ban) - if you hit 'reply' on this JE, there's no "Post Anonymously" option at the bottom.

    • Ahem, I have trolls who have "friended" me so that they can troll JEs more easily.
      • Ahem, I have trolls who have "friended" me so that they can troll JEs more easily.

        That shouldn't help - if the JE is "friends only", you would have to friend them, not the other way round. Friending you just tells them when you post a new JE.

        My question is: if I have a "friends-of-friends only" JE, can my foes (if I had any) post in it, if they are FoFs as well? Or does 'foe' take precedence? (I'm guessing at the latter.)

  • by Servo ( 9177 )
    Please post a pointer to this job my company has...

    We have been without someone for a couple weeks now.. its hurting to not have a full time sysadmin staffed there.
    • Veritas? Tape backups?

      I only have about 4 years experience, and I'm fairly happy where I'm at(with the job) but damn do I want to get out of the area.
      • Check the page out and send in your resume. Salary is quite good.. and they may offer relocation help. (It is up to the hiring manager, etc.. out of my hands)
  • Dallas/Ft.Worth, Texas area (metroplex and north). Tech/administrator, unix, linux, all versions of windows. Software QA experience. Also, if any fire departments are hiring and willing to train, I'm interested in that too. I'm with a Volunteer Department already, so i'm not totally inexperienced.
  • Charleston, WV - 4 years C/C++ Programming, 4 years Unix Admin, 3 years Network Administration, 5 years help desk, 1 year on-site support, 2 years desktop support.

An adequate bootstrap is a contradiction in terms.
