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Journal Aggrazel's Journal: What Johnny Cash meant to me...

Oddly enough I wore all black today.

Traveling down an old dusty country road, in my Fathers 1955 Ford Pickup, with an 8 track tape of Johnny Cash in the deck...

This one summer, I was either 10 or 11 years old, my dad got a job salvaging a unused railroad in Southeastern Ohio, we had to cut the railroad into manageable chunks and toss the iron into a beat up old Ford Pickup truck, take it to the salvage yard. We must have played the old Johnny Cash tape 150 times. Oddly enough I never got tired of it.

My favorite song, "Sunday Morning, Coming Down"... and unlike most artists there really isn't a single song he sang that I didn't like, which is interesting considering the spiritual nature of some of the songs and me being an Agnostic.

"May the circle be unbroken"

Goodbye, Johnny, I'll miss you...

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly. - Henry Spencer, University of Toronto Unix hack
