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Journal Tickenest's Journal: How 'bout those Eagles? 2

My God, the Eagles were terrible last night.

Will I ever see a major sports team in Philly win a championship? I was born in 1980, which means that 1984 is pretty much the first year I can remember anything (and the last time Philly won a title was the 76ers in '82.) Admittedly, there have been some close calls for this city in the last decade ('93 Phils (lost World Series to Toronto in 6), '98 Flyers (swept by Detroit in Stanley Cup Finals), '01 Sixers (lost in 5 games to Lakers in the Finals), '01 Eagles (lost at St. Louis in NFC Championship Game), '02 Eagles (lost at home to Tampa Bay in NFC Championship Game).) But no titles. I've had to try to console myself with titles by the Philadelphia Wings (indoor lacrosse) and the Philadelphia Kixx (indoor soccer).


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How 'bout those Eagles?

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  • I feel your pain, Tick. The Eagles have played with my heart for 24 years now. If they don't win it this year, I think I may start fresh and become a Houston Texans fan. That way I can still hate the Cowboys.
  • It does seem like all Philadelphia teams are striving to be good, but not champions. Last night's game wast just pathetic. For once I agreed with Madden's pressbox coaching when he insisted that McNabb must get out of the pocket and cause trouble. If that game shows the best passing they can do, I see a lot of my Sunday afternoons being freed up to go out back and whack myself with a shovel.

    I hang my hopes on the Flyers.

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