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Journal Dannon's Journal: More Floridian Foolishness 9

Florida seems determined to get its title of "Most Mockable State" back from California.

It was bad enough when the state decided to remove high school diploma requirement for entering state universities, following a year with a dismal graduation rate. Bad statistics? Lower the standards!

Now, they've got "school overcrowding". And to deal with it, they've passed a law to make the senior year of high school optional. Students can now get a diploma without attending a senior year through a "fast track graduation". Reward without the work. Hey, since they don't need a diploma to get into college, it's not like that piece of paper means anything any more, right?

There's a part of me which says going to school shouldn't be manditory for all without exception in the first place. If you're not going to learn, you're just taking up space. Better to take up space somewhere else, where you won't be distracting the teachers and the students who actually want to learn.

But that doesn't change the fact that Florida is crazy.

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More Floridian Foolishness

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  • Ultimately, when a service becomes "free", you end up taking it for granted. Ask the kids in a Florida school why they're there. Ultimately, the main reason for a lot of them is "because the government makes us attend". Not because they want to learn, or to have better careers, or even just to get the piece of paper - just because they have to be there.

    I agree with your feeling here: let them skip school and end up flipping burgers or filling shelves. At first, I'm sure quite a few would try it (fair eno

    • fair enough: those burgers need flipping

      I've always wondered- Why don't they just sandwich the patty in between two grills? Then people could stop talking about burger flippers. :)
      • I've always wondered- Why don't they just sandwich the patty in between two grills? Then people could stop talking about burger flippers. :)

        Waaaaay [4gifts4all.com] ahead [amazon.com] of you there ;-)

        Presumably using people is cheaper. That, or they need a person there anyway (to put burgers on and off the grill), so while they're standing watching the burger they might as well flip it too ;-)

  • Gen X and Gen Y have graduated to Gen Instant Gratification. Before long there will be no need for books... or school. All you'll have to do is ask your PDA what the solution is to any problem you face.

    We, as a nation, are slowly surrendering our lives to technology and in the process, we are slowly treading toward a society of morons.

    Why is it no one blinks an eye at spending an additional $86 Billion to rebuild another nation, but no one says a damn thing when they cut education spending?

    Fucking joke
  • If the state's mockability is going to increase, it's a good idea (from the pols' POV) to make the first step the dumbing down of the electorate.
  • The article says it's a way for smarter or more mature students to take fewer electives, and extra English classes, so they can graduate and go to college sooner. It's not for the majority of students. It's for the kids who won't mind missing their senior prom.

    • But they're losing out on a year's worth of science and math. It may be just me, but when I got to college, English wasn't nearly as much of a challenge as Calculus. But then, I went to a well-known engineering university, and English classes have always been easy for me. That, and I didn't even have an idea what course I wanted to pursue in college until I'd taken a couple of technical electives in my senior year of high school.

      I do see some sense to not holding students back who are capable of making it
      • At my high school, seniors weren't required to take math or science classes anyway. Calculus was optional. Our valedictorian wanted to go to a liberal arts college, she had no interest in math or science. I was thinking of students like her.

        But I do see what you're saying about the abuse of the system. Here in Alabama there has been talk for years of emulating the Georgia system of scholarships for students with higher grades, although the possibility of that has been killed (at least temporarily) by t

To be a kind of moral Unix, he touched the hem of Nature's shift. -- Shelley
