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Journal AntiFreeze's Journal: Political fundraising over the internet 7

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Very interesting article by Michael Wolff in the new New York magazine about the Dean money machine, and its parallels to McGovern's direct mail fundraising ... and about the dangers of relying on the liberal base vs. understanding the general voter

Fascinating read, and yet another reason why I think Dean can't beat Bush. Let's hope Clark runs, or the Democrats have no chance in 2004.

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Political fundraising over the internet

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  • When Americans believe there is an issue of National Security they vote Republican/Conservative. Democrats lose wars.

    Bush can't lose. Americans believe (maybe rightfully so) all.
    • When Americans believe there is an issue of National Security they vote Republican/Conservative. Democrats lose wars.

      Bush can't lose. Americans believe (maybe rightfully so) all.

      I don't think it's that simple. Bush Jr. seems to be going the way Bush Sr. did - win a war w/massive approval ratings, but have the economy tank and lose the next election because everyone notices a poor economy more than a victory 10,000 miles away in the Middle East.

      That said... woohoo! :-p
    • That's one of the plethora of reasons why I think Dean can't win, but Clark could.

      General Clark was the Supreme Allied Commander, NATO. You don't get much better on national security than four stars on each of your shoulders. He knows what he's doing, and his predictions about the war on Iraq came true. He outlined the pitfalls in the Administration's strategy, was laughed at, and then proved to be nearly 100% correct on all accounts. General Clark knows what he's doing when it comes to National Security,

      • General Clark was the Supreme Allied Commander, NATO. You don't get much better on national security than four stars on each of your shoulders.

        Given his actions re: Pristina Airport (attempting to start WWIII - stopped only by the British commander: story here []), I wouldn't trust him to secure a car park, let alone a country.

        Amid fears that Russian aircraft were heading for Pristina, General Clark planned to order British tanks and armoured cars to block the runways to prevent any transport planes from la

If a thing's worth having, it's worth cheating for. -- W.C. Fields
