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Journal ptomblin's Journal: "The Talk"

I had "The Talk" with my older daughter yesterday. Actually, I didn't say all the millions of things I meant to say, especially about how sex crazy 16-18 year old boys are and how they trade tips with each other on how to pressure or trick girls into having sex with them. But she says she's already had "The Talk" with my ex-wife and her grandparents, so I guess I'm just gilding the lilly anyway.

I don't know if she was humouring me or not, but she sounds extremely focused on her goals in life, and realizes how much getting pregnant would ruin those goals. Man, I hope she's not just talking a good game, but she has always been pretty good at acheiving her goals.

I didn't focus much on STDs and the like. When I was in high school in Ontario, they covered that stuff pretty thoroughly, and I can't imagine they'd de-emphasize that now in the era of AIDS.

It's her younger sister I'm worried about. Attention span of a gnat, young but looks older, drop dead gorgeous but with a really bad body image, naive, yet trying hard to prove that she's a rebel, and needy. I'm also worried that she's possibly bulemic. People have noticed how she *always* spends a lot of time in the bathroom after dinner.

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"The Talk"

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