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Journal dacetone's Journal: Life is funny.

So, I had spent a long time (3 years?) searching for a very old friend of mine from high school. Not a peep or a sighting of him for years. I'm usually very good at digging up info on people, and I couldn't find squat. After a fruitless, desperate search for him in my hometown *yesterday*, I had basically decided to give up. I figured he had died or moved to Wisconsin or something.

Of course, life loves to play tricks on you. I'm leaving work tonight, surprisingly, they had the 2nd floor doors locked at the mall, so I was forced to exit on the ground floor, which I did. As I was walking out, I hear someone calling my name, and see a familiar car (well, familiar dents in it, anyway)...and guess who it is? Yeah. Of course. What luck. So we talked for a while, and the sad thing is, after trying to find him for so long, he's so close to home, but moving to Spokane on Friday! What a bad deal. So we're going to hang out tomorrow (I'm going with him to sign his divorce papers, what a party...), and that's the last I'll see of him for a while. What a disappointment :( Oh well, at least I found him safe, sane, and leaving his evil wife who ruined his life.
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Life is funny.

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"Can you program?" "Well, I'm literate, if that's what you mean!"
