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Journal ryanr's Journal: My new favorite hotkey 13

OK, I suck keeping up on the bug puzzles, maybe I'll try regular prattling on like most journal entries. :) As I mentioned, I post the bug puzzles when I make them, but I don't write code for a living anymore, so I don't make them so often.

So I accidentally discovered a new hotkey: Alt-Home. Works in Mozilla and IE, takes you to your homepage (whatever your "home" button maps to in your browser.) Mine's Slashdot, BTW.

This is great, one more thing I don't have to take my hand off the keyboard and reach for the mouse to do. I prefer the keyboard for most stuff, and do a fair bit of my file management, program launching, etc... from the cmd prompt on my Windows boxen. Yes, I'm a geek.

That is all.

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My new favorite hotkey

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  • ... mostly because I made the same discovery about a month ago and didn't write about it since I figured I was already the last person on earth to figure it out. Guess I was wrong ^_~
    • Heh, nope.. I think I found it on Monday. Did it on accident. At work, I'm using my Sony SRX87 laptop, and I have to use the Fn key to get the keypad stuff. I managed to fat-finger Alt-Home, and there ya go.

      I could probably just go look up a list of hotkeys someplace, but then where would be the challenge? :)

      It's like reading docs... I only do that as a last resort.
  • My home is google. In which case I just type in the address bar of mozilla and get my search done anyways.
    • Hmm.. I suppose that would work.

      (BTW, Alt-L seems to be the most universal hotkey that means let-me-type-a-URL for the set of browers I lay hands on.)
      • Alt+D works in Mozilla and IE... Alt+L doesn't work in Mozilla, haven't tried in IE.
        • Crap. It's Ctrl-L, my bad. My hands have been translating for me. I've been laying hands of a number of Solaris boxen recently, and the Navigator/Mozilla on those is Alt-L. Blah.

          Don't get me started on how much Solaris sucks...I spent 2 days fighting with an old SS20 to make it take Solaris 8.
  • What do you do now?

    Or for that matter what did you do before? reference to your job not your hotkey...
    • I was working for a very small company (AnchorIS) developing an anti-worm product (Enforcer), in a kinda startup mode. The people funding the development decided to stop, which eliminated my position there. Point being that when I was coding all day, I had much more opportunity to create fun C bugs. :)

      I'm working as a contractor a few days a week right now, and looking for a full-time gig in the SF Bay Area.
  • Though I'd like to point out that key combo is displayed on the menu. At least it's on mine (in Mozilla). ;-)

    I think that is from the old Netscape browser. Searching through my fuzzy memory...I'm sure I used it in my Win 3.11 days... Quite handy, but now I probably use ctrl-T more--open a new tab.

    As for my home page, I just slapped on together. It has all the sites I usually visit. Google, Slashdot, Freshmeat, etc. I find it handy.

    • Doh! So it is... Hmm... I don't think I've ever had occasion to use the "Go" menu before...

      Yeah, the tab thing... I haven't really found much of a use for it, yet. If Mozilla would crash individual windows sperately, I might have a use for tabs (assuming that all tabs within a window would crash together...)
      • Have you tried Opera? It is a lot better at crashing than Moz. Hmm. That sounds wrong. It is not much more unstable than Moz. When it does crash, however, it takes under ten seconds to reload with all of my tabs open at the pages they were viewing before the crash. A very nice feature.

        The - key combination has been in Netscape since at least version two, maybe version one (I only used one briefly). Mind you, since I started using Opera I hardly touch the keyboard while browsing. The mouse gestures

  • although the *official* hotkey for homepage is Ctrl + Space.

    Which, of course, isn't half as useful as the other uber-cool Opera hotkeys; 'Z' for Previous, 'X' for next, F2 for (Opera's equivalent of) Address Bar and 'A'/Shift + arrow keys for scrolling through links on a webpage.

    Then again, if you use a mouse in Opera, there's hardly reason for you to click on buttons or type, except when you enter a URL (which, for people like me, is usually once in 15 min for every hour of surfing).

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