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Journal Montgomery Burns III's Journal: 49,331 boxcutters

August 25, Transportation Security Administration -- TSA screeners find hidden weapons during security searches; discoveries emphasize need for continued vigilance. Razor blades hidden in tennis shoes, an artificial leg hollowed out to hide a bayonet, and a handgun taped to the side of a similarly shaped drill are among the weapons that some passengers have recently tried to sneak past Transportation Security Administration (TSA) security screeners. "People who are tempted to discount the importance of screening need to think again," said Adm. James M. Loy, TSA Administrator. "Every day screeners are meeting the challenge of keeping flights secure, and all too often they are finding dangerous weapons that passengers are trying to take on flights." Admiral Loy commented as security screeners at all of the nation's airports prepared to check every passenger and every bag over the long Labor Day weekend. Recently at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, a man tried to hide two razor blades in the insoles of his tennis shoes underscoring why TSA has always emphasized screening shoes. Since February 2002, TSA has intercepted more than 7.5 million items, including 1,437 firearms, 2.3 million knives and 49,331 boxcutters the terrorists' weapon on 9/11.
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49,331 boxcutters

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