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Journal Dave2 Wickham's Journal: Bloat 1.2 RC 1 released - testers needed! 3

Bloat is a Perl script which analyses an archive's filename/type and extracts it using a suitable extractor.

Well, Bloat 1.2 RC 1 has been released! 1.1 -> 1.2's CVS has been very very dodgy, so I wanted a base that people could test from, without it being too dodgy. I believe that 1.2 is fine, but I don't guarantee everything, but I use it myself and haven't seen any problems yet *deep breath*.

Bloat's website is here.
Release notes (changes from 1.1 to 1.2) are here
Finally, the download page is here

If you want to test it, thanks :). Make sure to report any bugs though ;).

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Bloat 1.2 RC 1 released - testers needed!

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  • I am a Unix veteran and dont normally need my hand held to extract files. However, I downloaded and tested bloat. Most of the time my tgz files do not need a separate directory when restored (ie the basename of the tgz file.). Is there an option to bloat them in current working directory? Sorry I didnt RTFM.

    Last week, I had that need and bloat worked just file.

    This week I had a new wrinkle. I needed to transport some large images (ie 1.9GB). So I tgz'd them and got it down to 1.5G. Then I used "split -b60

    • bloat -nc will stop checking for subdirectories, which I use whenever I have a file that I know will untar the way I like it (e.g. Linux, GIMP etc). If you always want this, you can change the "my $checkforsubdirs = 1;" line to read 0 instead. Yeah, it's not very obvious, I will probably at some point in the future implement some easier way of setting these things.

      It doesn't have a method for combining split segments, but I'll have a look and see what I can do (do split segments have a "wrapper" or are the

FORTRAN is a good example of a language which is easier to parse using ad hoc techniques. -- D. Gries [What's good about it? Ed.]
