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Journal Dave2 Wickham's Journal: GCSE Results 2

Well, for those who care, here are my GCSE results:

English: A
English - Talking and Listening: A
English Lit: A

[English - all - for want of a better word - bullshitting]


[I'm a /.er - need I explain more?]

Maths: B

[I've missed almost half of school time over the GCSE years - I was surprised to get a B, especially since I lightly pencilled in "goatse" before the "CX" in a length question]

Geography: C

[How did I get this? My coursework was done at 1AM and was about 3 pages long...]

Science: 2Cs

[They advised me to go onto foundation after missing so much. AFAIK, C is the highest you can get on foundation.]

Music: C

[I'm crap at music... Dunno how I got a C :P]

French: D
German: E

[I'm crap at foreign languages, and I joined German after two terms, and I was put on HIGHER on German for several parts]

So, all in all, that's enough to get me into college. I highly doubted I'd get Maths B, but I did, so that's all good. Hopefully my asthma won't make me miss loads of college :/.

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GCSE Results

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