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Journal AntiFreeze's Journal: Rant: Well, the past 27 hours sucked. 4

First off, let me say that there needs to be an "I'm in serious pain" journal topic item for slashdot.

Anyway, for those of you who don't know, I live in the middle of Brooklyn, New York. Yesterday, I was in Central Park when the power went out.

Well, 12-13 miles and 5 hours later, I got home. That's right, I walked all the way down Manhattan (figure from 60th Street and 7th avenue to -30th and 2nd avenue), then a mile or so over the Manhattan bridge (the bridge was crazy, there was a sea of people like nothing I've ever seen before), and then all the way through Brooklyn to get home.

So right now, I'm in serious pain. I mean, I'm in good shape, but I just wasn't ready for that kind of a walk. And I had been walking a bunch beforehand too. So, umm, ow.

At least the power's finally come back on. On the other hand, I got some quality reading of The Da Vinci Code in while the power was out, so far, it's an excellent book.

Here's to hoping the power gets on and stays on for everyone else who's been affected by this.

P.S. I'm not looking for any sympathy or empathy, I just need an outlet to complain ;) Thank you all very much for listening, if you've read this far!

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Rant: Well, the past 27 hours sucked.

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