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Journal dragoncortez's Journal: Non-Gamers Need Not Apply 7

Never make the mistake of saying something you'll regret. Ha ha. Well, since that rule is nearly impossible to keep, let me expound. I only vaguely recall why I started my journal here on Slashdot. I seem to remember having a desire for some form of /. domination. This reminds me, I need to post an update to that plan at the bottom of this JE, however, I first wish to blather on about something I sometimes regret saying.

Nic-o-demus (who will be referenced further below) is the mastermind responsible for my entrance to the /. world. It was he who introduced me to the wonders of karma and fueled my desire to become a more involved member of the community. It's becoming very apparent that the real reason for this post was to talk about karma...anyway, shortly after I began posting journal entries, I stated that I had begun doing so in part to exercise my dormant writing skills. You see, in school (both high school and college) my English professors were fond of lauding my papers, generally - to my dismay - in front of the rest of the class. Being a shy person, this praise was somewhat discomfiting. At the same time, I was a very focused student of the science commonly referred to as Mathematics. This love of Math (that most beloved subject of teenagers everywhere - but that's a different post entirely) led to my entrance in the College of Engineering at the University of Utah. See now I'm totally going off-topic and should be modded down. Let me summarize (no! that would take too long,) I am writing now because of guilt. I feel that all these entries discussing my hated vice (gaming) have taken something from the literary side of my writing. Not that there was much to start with. In reality, Nic-o-demus made fun of my blog.

Yes, that's the crux of it. Somebody made fun of me, so now they must pay. Actually, anyone reading this horrendous entry must pay. To recap:

  • I have a bloated opinion of my writing skills.
  • I use my /. blog in part to keep said skills from atrophying
  • I haven't been writing about anything but games lately.
  • My entries have also been over-laden with asides and general stream-of-consciousness ravings.
  • My good friend Nic-o-demus pointed this out to me in a joking tone.
  • I feel the need to write something - anything! - that is not about games, but can't think of anything to write.
  • This is the result.

To totally defeat the purpose of this post, I'm still enjoying KotOR very, very much. I've gone back to try and finally finish FF8 (yes, I do have a crush on Rinoa, sadly enough.) And, there is still a stack of games in my To-Do pile. Blech.

****The long awaited aside, err, footnote, err, something like that.*****

Nic-o-demus recently achieved excellent karma. The guy doesn't log in for two years, then he shows up last month with good karma (same as me.) I figured, I post more than he does, I read more than he does, I mod (both M1 and M2) more than he does, I'm sure to beat him to excellent karma. BUT NOOOO.

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Non-Gamers Need Not Apply

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  • I'm not sure that this is going to make you feel any better... but I made it to excellent karma within 13 days of the first day I ever saw Slashdot (that was the day I registered). You can read about the schock I felt at my meteoric ascension here [].

    I'm still mystified how it happened.

    • *a strange sound begins to emit from the realms of Slashdot* Do you hear that, Fezzik? That is the sound of ultimate suffering. My heart made that sound when the six-fingered man killed my father. The Man in Black makes it now.
      • Well, everyone *did* say it was because I was a girl...

        So that's something.

        • After you mentioned that, I did vaguely recall reading about your meteoric ascension back in the days when your journal wasn't quite to the level of prime time popularity it appears to enjoy now. :)
          Take this as you will, but as a (now humbled) karma apprentice, it appears to me that your mastery of the double entendre has aided you there. :p

          Maybe I should start taking notes from you -- or start a new account posing as a female.

          • See, the karma isn't important. Well, it's important so that people who read at a "3" threshold will see your posts in JEs. But if you've friended people, then there are usually the karma modifiers in place to raise your post to a high enough level.

            I don't know how it is I came to be noticed. But when I did, for the first 25 fans or so (and I still do this for new fans that I notice), I *scoured* their posts and JEs, and posted whenever I could think of anything to say. It got easier as I practiced, and p
            • Thanks for the advice, but really, I was mostly joking. The whole karma thing with Nic-o-demus is a friendly rivalry type deal. :D
              • Oh, I know. This whole topic is just one that I've been reading *so* much about lately that it's got my wheels spinning.

                So I went ahead and did a JE about it. :-)

                I meant it about your writing, though. You *are* a good writer. You have an intelligent, accessible style. Don't downplay it.


Two wrights don't make a rong, they make an airplane. Or bicycles.
