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Journal AB3A's Journal: OK, I'm getting freaked out here

I'm not superstitious. I'm not particularly religious either (Y'know, the real miracle is that society works at all, not that some supposed deity did something to alter physical reality).

But even so, I'm looking over my shoulder and wondering if I'm about to get hit with a bit of space debris or something crazy like that.

In our staff of a dozen or so, three have lost spouses in the last year, and just this weekend, one guy lost his son while another collegue is being hospitalized for paralysis due to an accident while surfing on the beach. His prognosis is still pretty much unknown. ...And I want to get back in to flying my airplane after a one year hiatus due to our new infant daughter. Gosh. I wonder if I should...

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OK, I'm getting freaked out here

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"Look! There! Evil!.. pure and simple, total evil from the Eighth Dimension!" -- Buckaroo Banzai
