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Journal AntiFreeze's Journal: For Perfessor Multigeek: "Cheap-Labor Conservatives" 10

Defeat The Right In Three Minutes

Have you got three minutes. Because that's all you need to learn how to defeat the Republican Right. Just read through this handy guide and you'll have everything you need to successfully debunk right-wing propaganda.

This article was just written for our Perfessor (if not by him) =]

Oh, and GMontag, I'd love to hear your take on this. But read the whole thing first =]

That's it from me.

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For Perfessor Multigeek: "Cheap-Labor Conservatives"

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  • The left-wingers hate the right-wingers, but neither one of them really wins. Ever. I have yet to see hands down case of the left beating the right, or visa versa. Even in this, it's easy to see how the right-wing can be correct. If you increase the survival of the fittest, the best of breeds will rise and those with lesser ambitions perish. That's darwanism in life.

    In a leftist society, it seems that while they're are still millionaires amongst us, there is too much reward for the decline of family v
    • Depends on your definition. I mean what is right-wing, how do you define it? What is left-wing?

      Where does facism, communism, and varying systems of government fall into this?

      Are dictatorships right-wing (with right-wing being radical conservative) or left wing?

      What would anarchy be? Can it really be thought of in a 2-dimension line of political alignment?

      For instance, I don't think either side can empathize with the other enough to see where the differences lie.
    • If you increase the survival of the fittest, the best of breeds will rise and those with lesser ambitions perish.

      Why are you defining fittest as equalling most ambitious?

      Something tells me it's because the most ambitious would do the best in your social system of choice. It's circular in reasoning to say that we should set up a system where the most ambitious would thrive and then say that the most ambitious are the fittest because they would thrive in your social system of choice.

      That's darwanism
      • Why are you defining fittest as equalling most ambitious?

        Fittest means being able to provide the most for your immediate family. Being ambitions means being able to provide more. That's why I'm making that correlation.

        Something tells me it's because the most ambitious would do the best in your social system of choice. It's circular in reasoning to say that we should set up a system where the most ambitious would thrive and then say that the most ambitious are the fittest because they would thrive in
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • First, this guy is just babbling propoganda and never assigns a single accurate sentement for anythig a Conservative economic thinker would espouse.

    He invents this "cheap labor conservative" nonsense as a substitute for free-market labor, then invents a bunch of BS to go with it.

    The only people who I have met in management who follow what he is trashing are the people who sound like him to begi with and this includes many ex military people who think the military is anything like a Capitalist system.

    • You sound like my boss, Guy.

      I actually had a conversation with my Dad today about Business Ethics. He asked me what I was doing working for pennies on the dollar compared to what I could be working for somewhere else.

      Simple, I told him. I'm getting paid exactly as I should be as my company stands now, the more we grow, the more I'll make, and conversely the more my boss will make. I learn something new everyday, I constantly get new challenges and projects, I have a flexible schedule, and what more can
  • Did you notice that the three "click here for more" links at the end were to someone's yahoo mail account? (At least, if they weren't, I couldn't bring them up in my yahoo acct).

    Also, don't hold your breath waiting for GMontag to respond. He's probably refering to you as "an Obnoxious Troll" in some other thread as you read this...

The young lady had an unusual list, Linked in part to a structural weakness. She set no preconditions.
